Resources and help

Useful Websites

Low Cost or Free Spay / Neuter Options

Food Assistance

Locating a Lost Pet

  • It is recommended that you do NOT put out your cat’s litterbox, as that attracts predators.  Instead, take a rag and wipe it over your face, the face of any family members, and wipe it down your other pets in the house to attract your cat back, as they know your scent.

  • It may be necessary to trap your kitty, as they may be uncomfortable and unfamiliar with you, as they are in a different environment and scared.  We can assist with trapping and can loan traps to get your kitty back.

  • Facebook lost and found and community pages are a great resource to get the word out.  We are happy to assist with distributing your plea, with links to over 50 community and lost and found pages.

  • Contact the local animal shelters and Animal Control to inquire about any new intakes they may have received and leave your contact information should they receive in a kitty in the future that matches your lost pet.

Behavior Assistance

Dr. Rachel Geller offers assistance pro-bono for your pet:

Grants and Credit Options for Emergencies

Please refer to each program’s page for information and how to apply. Some require you to provide a veterinary estimate BEFORE they will pay for care; some will pay after the fact. Some require your veterinarian to apply; others allow you to apply for yourself. Here Today does not administer any of these programs.

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© Fitchburg Friends of Felines